Dirceu C, Brazil

I just love this course and tell everybody about it at the Chinese school where I have a 2 1/2 hour-lesson once a week. It complements and puts me several steps ahead of my presential classes - everybody feels awed by the sentences I'm able to build, my vocabulary and sometimes the explanations about a certain term that even the Chinese teacher is not able to explain (sometimes it's difficult for a native person to explain the mechanism of his own language, because it's just so intuitive and automatic for him).

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J. Blackall, IT Consultant, England

Thorough explanation of each new word as it arrives in each lesson. Emphasis on, 'see and hear' , motivation tips, hints, cultural backround. Lesson notes etc. Emphasis on tones, which aids listening and pronunciation. Literal translation of dialogue, which helps with grasping grammar and aids memory. Creative combinations of new words and phrases (for a beginner), which reinforces lessons. What has pleasantly surprised me is the ability to use of your site for each lesson. You are well postioned to become a real choice for learning Chinese...

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Viravadee C., Management Consultant, Business Owner, Bangkok, Thailand

Wow� such a great way to learn mandarin.

I have been taking a formal Mandarin class for a few months, and I am currently using your course as an add-on to my formal Mandarin class. And I have found that your program really helps me a great deal.� I am learning faster than ever!

1. I have found that the best way to learn a new language fast is to focus on listening and speaking. While my formal class focuses on speaking and writing, your podcast program really helps me with my listening skills. It�s a really great combination.

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Due East Blog

...I think the podcasts are really good. The grammar explanations are well done, they give good attention to teaching proper tones, and the subject matter of the lessons is on par with what Chinese Pod covers. They certainly don’t cut any corners. And since the teachers aren’t all from just the mainland or just from Taiwan, listeners are exposed to the slight accent, vocabulary, and tonal differences they’re likely to encounter in their daily encounters with Chinese people from different areas of the world.

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Jerry and Kim K., Management Consultants, San Jose, CA, USA

My wife and I have used several online Mandarin teaching sites. For us, Chinese Learn Online is the most comprehensive, user friendly and effective. The content, pacing, review, and reinforcement are superior, and we feel like we're in a class with an instructor who really cares about our success. We have enjoyed the podcasts and lessons so much that we'll continue when we return from China. That's about the best feedback you can get.

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